среда, 2 мая 2007 г.

How To Get Rid Of Sleeping Problem: Tips That you Should Know

Chronic insomnia is quite a horrible sleeping problem that keeps the one tossing up all night without getting a wink of sleep and is faced with nightly torture. Such a torture is simply unbelievable and can bring anyone to his or her knees. Anyone who has sleeping problem has the days that are bleary and groggy and there is plenty of emotional suffering as well. You may even be mistaken in being nutty or a secret cocaine addict.

So is there really a method that can get rid of those sleepless nights? Well, ove the next few weeks, I will be posting useful informationon how to get of sleeping problems.

How To Get Rid Of Sleeping Problem: Tips That you Should Know (Part 1)

How To Get Rid Of Sleeping Problem Tip 1 - Reduce Fatigue
Fatigue causes anxiety, fear as well as chronic depression and it also ages a person, making him or her vulnerable to contracting serious mental problems such as schizophrenia and paranoia and these may be caused by lack of sleep or insomnia as it is also known. So you should try to reduce your fatigue through spirtual meditation and frequent exercises. Yoga is a good exercise to help one relieve sleeping problem symtoms.

How To Get Rid Of Sleeping Problem Tip 2 - Quit Your Coffee!

Insomia is caused by fast heart beat and low blood sugar and curing insomia may be as simple as quitting coffee after your breakfast as well as having more food after the supper.

When considering which foods to consume one may take a step forward in curing insomia by quitting refined carbs such as sugar, alcohol, starches, and baked goods and quitting these will help in healing pre-diabetic pancreas as well as dried and shriveled adrenals that may make the patient want to drink coffee frequently.

However, it might be difficult to quit coffee for some, and curing insomia may require the patient to switch to decaf and also take pain killers in the morning. The full cup of coffee should be reduced to half a cup and then later to a quarter cup, gradually. In addition, you may need to take herbal laxatives each night as well as eating lightly with less meat and no sticky white flour foods and plenty of raw vegetable juices or fruits that should be consumed between meals times.

These will be your first 2 steps on how to get rid of sleeping problem.

How To Get Rid Of Sleeping Problem Tip 3 - Drink Nepenthe Tea
Another way of curing insomia is to drink nepenthe tea that is pure soma which is a mythological medicine that helps induces deep dreams. However, you can go in for cheaper herbs such as hops, skullcap, and valerian try out teas covered in steep and it will defintely help in curing insomia. Drinking a cup of nepenthe tea will certainly induce a strong desire for sleep, thus helping to get rid of sleeping problem.

There are also other curing insomia aids available such as earplugs and eyeshades and using bee’s wax earplugs which are warmed by the body and prevent house sounds, neighbor’s dogs loud barking and such like that could jar your brain to wake up again. A soft cotton or silk scarf may be used as a blindfold and the shade provided by this eyeshade does not allow morning light to wake you up till you have had enough sleep.

How To Get Rid Of Sleeping Problem Tip 4 - Sleep supplements for curing insomia
Using amino acid ornithine or vitamin C or Calcium nitrate are some of the other sleep supplements you can try out for curing insomia and there are always sleeping tablets available as well. Hot baths can also help in curing insomia as it helps release your mind and body.

Role of Alternative Medicine in modern society

Typically, alternative medicine differs from traditional medicine in that alternative medicine is older and what we might call unconventional or non-Western medicine. Alternative medicine does not follow the traditional science and research that current medicines undergo. Alternative medicine could also be termed complementary or traditional medicine or the therapies that can be integrated into current medicine. The staff of the National Library of Medicine of the United States classified alternative medicine under the category of complementary therapies in their Medical Subjects Heading Section. This was done in the year 2002. The definition provided was that alternative medicine therapeutic practices were not considered as an integral part of the traditional allopathic medicine. Therapies like acupuncture, dieting, physical therapy like exercises or yoga, etc. are termed as alternative medicine. These therapies are called complementary when they are used along with conventional treatments. If they are done in place of conventional treatments, they are known as alternative treatments.

In April 1995, the panel of National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, worked on Definition & Description, CAM Research Methodology Conference, Office of Alternative Medicine. The panel defined alternative medicine and complementary medicine as those healing resources that encompass all health systems and practices that are different from the dominant health system of a particular society or culture. Usually, therapies like ayurveda, herbal medicine, folk medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, naturopathy, diet practices, chiropractic, music therapy, massage, pranic healing, etc. are classified as alternative or complementary medicine. People who do not find a cure, remedy or success in allopathic medicine generally try alternative medicine. Such people generally suffer from cancer, arthritis, acquired immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS), chronic back pain, etc. Therapies included under alternative medicine would cease to be included in that category once their efficacy is proven and they are considered safe and effective. They are then considered as part of traditional medicine. An example would be chiropractors. Twenty years ago insurance would not pay for them as they were considered "alternative and ineffective." Today thousands of people have been helped by chiropractors and they are now recognized in the medical community. A similar movement is underway in the nutritional supplement and nutraceutical industry.

Over the years, more and more people have been using alternative medicine because traditional medicine is not working for them. The 2004 survey by the National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine of the United States revealed that approximately 36% of Americans used alternative medicine in 2002. If alternative medicine is used in conjunction with traditional allopathic medicine, an integrative doctor is a person's best option. Some traditional doctors are adamantly against or simply do not believe in complementary medicine, even though research continues to show the benefits of many compounds. Your doctor should be informed about other approaches you may be using and if they are not comfortable with that then always feel free to choose another doctor. This would enable the doctor to foresee any possible complications or a better time in which to use a complementary therapy. The concern in using alternative medicine stems from the fact that some practitioners of alternative medicine do not have an accredited medical degree and therefore do not have a valid medical license. However, in recent times, many educational institutions and universities have started offering courses in homeopathy, ayurveda, siddha, unani, acupuncture, and naturopathy. The recent growth in this industry is evident by the many people demanding different, and in some cases better, care than what they are receiving in "modern medicine." They are no longer accepting the fact that they need to suffer with pain or illness because modern pharmacy does not have a magic bullet for them.

Pain Fighting Strategies For Fibromyalgia Sufferers That Work

You know the pain, you know the trigger points, you know the fatigue that compounds the pain. You have probably spent a good amount of time in bed trying to deal with the pain, fatigue, headaches, brain fog, etc. But do you know some key strategies to fighting this terrible condition that affects millions of people? There are actions you can take to fight back against this terrible condition. Yes, you can eliminate the symptoms of fibromyalgia and it is possible to live life again pain free.

Let's talk diet. Yes, I know that is a painful word in and of itself. There are many people out there who talk about different diets that can work for Fibromyalgia sufferers. A low carb high protein diet is a way to fight back against the painful condition of Fibromyalgia. It is also useful for other inflammatory conditions. Eating right will help your body provide an optimal environment for your body to fight against the awful pain associated with Fibromyalgia. Make sure that you avoid white processed foods, such as bread, refined sugar, etc. Also stay away from caffeine and alcohol. These can exacerbate your symptoms and make your pain worse.

In addition to talking about a low carb, high protein diet however, there is optimal health diets that really work at getting your body back in sync and getting you back on track. This diet focuses on giving your body the nutrition it needs at the cellular level while allowing your body to get rid of the built up toxins that are destroying it.

What is talking about diet without exercise? Yes, exercise can also provide incredible benefits to the Fibromyalgia sufferer. It is a great way to alleviate stress and is great helping you get your blood circulation on track. Exercise helps our bodies keep muscle tone and fight against fibromyalgia in many ways. Sleep is also a great by-product of exercise and we sufferers of Fibromyalgia know how important sleep can be. Fibromyalgia sufferers need to be careful what type of exercises they are engaging in and should seek the counsel of a health advisor with this. Yoga is one therapeutic exercise that has many Fibromyalgia sufferers jumping for joy.

Relaxation and meditation are also great for people wishing to rid themselves of the chronic painful condition of Fibromyalgia. Although these may not entirely cure your Fibromyalgia, there are studies that say these help aid the body to recovery and relax the mind and anxiety generally associated with the condition. This too helps with easing the pain. The more relaxed you are, the less pain you are in. Massage therapy is also an added tool in the fight against Fibromyalgia pain.

Fibromyalgia is a terribly painful condition that can be helped with these simple steps and dedication to a integrative program consisting of detoxification, rejuvenation, and maintenance. There are many natural alternatives and approaches to fighting this debilitating and painful condition. You can start to enjoy life again and live pain free.

Exercise Equipment And Fitness

To be fit you need to exercise regularly. Nowadays every person is following routine exercise procedures to keep their body fit. However, many people have a busy schedule into which they have to squeeze in the time for exercise. Therefore, they prefer the use exercise equipments that help to maximize the benefits of exercise within a limited period of time. Thus, these fitness or exercise equipments not only help in increasing the quality of the work out, but also reduce the time required for a desired effect.

Generally one can find a wide number of exercise equipments which are designed to target specific areas of the body. Exercise or fitness equipments provide intensity, resistance and support to a workout. Elliptical machines, exercise bikes, treadmills, inversion machines, free weights, leg machines, balls and back braces are some of the more popular exercise equipment found everywhere.

Fitness or exercise equipment helps you to be in shape and makes you to feel great and better. This is because when you do exercise, your metabolism and your energy level increases. The type of equipment you will use depends on what you want to accomplish. Some of them are for a cardio workout, others target trouble areas including the hips, stomach, and thighs. Weight lifting equipment is designed to help a person build muscle and strength. Obviously, it takes a certain period of time for a person on fitness program to find the change that he desires using the fitness or exercise equipment.

Currently most of them because of their busy schedule like to purchase their own fitness equipment enabling them to work out in the privacy of their home or garage at any time of the day or night that suits them. The reason for this may be they are not interested to do the exercises along with others or they may not find time to do during the time intervals offered to them.

So when you are planning to purchase the fitness and exercise equipment, you must be careful because you may be fooled to buy some equipment by the vendor which gives miraculous effects overnight. First go through the pamphlets of equipments, and then check out the reviews and then purchase. If you are not able to try the product before you buy make sure it has a money back guarantee in case you are not happy with how the product operates. Since most of us can quickly get bored doing the same routine, select home fitness equipment that allows you to do a variety of exercises on it.

Nowadays one can even find how the fitness program should be scheduled on fitness videos and DVD's which can be used in homes. You can do fun cardio exercises as well as stretching and yoga by following some of the home videos and DVD's. For best results, purchase small hand weights, exercise mat, jump rope, and exercise ball that offers you the best overall fitness workout. For men, weights are the most common fitness equipment so purchase the weight lifting equipments based on the weight quantity. Use them to get fit, lose weight, get stronger, and build muscles.

Holistic Meditation

We are told that meditation is natural, that when someone sleeps they go into a meditative state. To fully understand the purpose and functioning of meditation one has to observe the human as both a physical and spiritual or psychological being. From the dawn of time, meditation has been a vital part of self transformation and holistic health.

The journey to self-discovery, self help and spirituality begins with the sacred art of meditation. The value of Meditation is to alleviate suffering and promote healing has been known and practiced for thousands of years. Generally, Eastern religions have tended to concentrate on meditation as a means of realizing spiritual enlightenment. This is the essence of Hinduism of which all guru's promote through yoga and meditation. In fact, practically all religious groups practice meditation in one form or another.

The ultimate goal of meditation is to self realize your divinity, that you are God. God dwells within you as You. It is a means of worship and seeking God which is ultimately the highest goal of meditation The word translated as "meditation" in several verses in Psalms means to meditate in the sense of reflecting upon.

In practical terms meditation helps you learn forgiveness and loving-kindness for yourself and others in a common sense way. Mindfulness meditation relieves stress because it relieves preoccupation with the habitual thoughts about the past or the future that perpetuate stress. As your entire being becomes absorbed in meditation, every stress and strain of daily life will fall from your shoulders.

Meditation interrupts that flood of stress chemicals, so you don't feel on guard or tense. In other experiments, meditators produced fewer spontaneous GSR than their non-meditating controls, both during and after meditation.

Through meditation, one can cultivate a wonderful inner quiet that will melt away stress and nervousness By association, meditation can also help relieve stress- or anxiety-related disorders such as insomnia, headaches, depression, poor concentration and high blood pressure. Instead these conflicts could find, through meditation, an appeasement that will help their resolution by appropriate means. There is a natural alliance between psychotherapy and meditation.

Meditation is now well accepted in medical circles. Remember that meditation is an escape to reality, not an escape from reality. In the West, however the first view was that meditation induced a type of dissassociative state or a type of catatonia. Various techniques of meditation are now widely taught in medical settings such as VA clinics and hospitals. Many physicians consider meditation a key element of an integrated health program. In general, meditation produces a reduction in multiple biological systems, resulting in a state of relaxation. For example, there has been incidences where through meditation individuals have voluntarily controlled their rate of breathing.

Mindfulness meditation involves focusing one's attention on the moment, observing thoughts as they occur without judging or acting. Without acknowledgment of the present moment, meditation practice cannot progress because momentary concentration cannot occur.